为了应对北岭地震, California lawmakers passed a law that requires hospitals to seismically upgrade their existing buildings or replace them to ensure safety by 2030. Buildings that don’t meet the earthquake standards must cease operations.

ag亚游官网 (唯有通过) is committed to continuing to provide critical health care 服务 at 阿拉米达医院 including the only emergency department on the island and a world-class 中风研究中心. 唯有通过 recognizes these 服务 are critical for the health and safety of 唯有通过 patients, 阿拉米达居民, 和社区, 尤其是在灾难中.

唯有通过 is accountable for the delivery of quality health care 服务 at 阿拉米达医院 while the City of Alameda Health Care District (the District) owns the buildings and is responsible for the structure including the seismic update. More info on the City of Alameda Health Care District website 在这里.

唯有通过 currently receives $6 million annually from the District through a Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) to provide health care 服务 at the hospital. 这些资金来自阿拉米达包裹税. To support the District in meeting seismic upgrade requirements and to ensure critical health care 服务 continue to be available at 阿拉米达医院, 1月10日, 必赢亚洲官网app下载, the 唯有通过 校董会 (BOT) agreed to divert parcel tax dollars, 总额约为5500万美元, 到该区.  The District will utilize the funds to acquire a loan for the construction costs.

除了包裹税, 唯有通过 is investing $42 million in infrastructure projects that support hospital operations.


1. 阿拉米达医院关门了吗?

No. 唯有通过 is unequivocally committed to keeping 阿拉米达医院 open to continue providing critical health care 服务 to all City of Alameda and Alameda County residents. 事实上, 唯有通过以及阿拉米达市卫生保健区, has committed to financing $55 million for 阿拉米达医院’s seismic upgrade to ensure that 阿拉米达医院 remains open and operational. Additionally, 唯有通过 has and is investing $42 million in upgrades to 阿拉米达医院.

2. 阿拉米达医院的ag亚游官网关门了吗?

No. The emergency room will continue to stay open and serve all 阿拉米达居民, 不管他们的支付能力如何.

3. Will t在这里 be service changes due to the seismic upgrade of 阿拉米达医院?

唯有通过 leaders and physicians identified three opportunities to offset the cost of the seismic upgrade including:

  • 提高效率
  • 扩大急症后服务,改善获取途径
  • 将选择性手术转移到其他美国医院

通过这些提议的策略, 唯有通过 will address the diversion of funds while continuing to provide critical health care 服务 at 阿拉米达医院 including the only emergency department on the island, 高级初级中风中心, 住院病人的急性和重症监护, and skilled nursing facilities that are recognized for being among the best in the country.

4. 择期手术何时会搬迁?

唯有通过 is relocating elective surgery 服务 from 阿拉米达医院 to the ag亚游官网 ag亚游官网 Highland Hospital Campus and San Leandro Hospital starting July 1, 必赢亚洲官网app下载. All 唯有通过 surgery patients will continue to receive safe, high-quality care.

5. 阿拉米达医院的病人会不能接受手术吗?

No. 阿拉米达医院 is one of the three acute care hospitals in the ag亚游官网. 唯有通过 patients receive care at facilities across the system. 病人 who previously received elective surgery at 阿拉米达医院 will now receive elective surgery care at the ag亚游官网 ag亚游官网 Highland Hospital Campus or San Leandro Hospital.

6. How will the relocation of elective surgeries impact patients?

唯有通过 is relocating elective surgeries from 阿拉米达医院 to the ag亚游官网 ag亚游官网 Highland Hospital Campus and San Leandro Hospital to better serve our patients and to offset costs associated with the seismic upgrade required to keep 阿拉米达医院 operational.

A cross-functional work group including physician and nursing leaders, 所有员工, and operational staff recommend that the relocation of elective surgeries is in the best interest of our patients because:

  • Relocating elective surgeries to other 唯有通过 hospitals will bring care closer to home for the majority of elective surgery patients. 与此同时, 唯有通过 will expand post-acute 服务 at 阿拉米达医院 and invest in seismic upgrades to ensure that City of 阿拉米达居民 continue to be served by a local emergency department, 中风研究中心, and skilled nursing facilities that are recognized as among the best in the country.
  • T在这里 is a low volume of surgeries – both elective and emergent – performed at 阿拉米达医院. Centralizing elective surgeries at fewer locations will optimize patient and staff access to resources including people, 服务, 技术, 和设备.

7. Will emergency surgeries continue to be performed at 阿拉米达医院?

是的, all emergency 服务 including emergent or unscheduled surgeries will continue at 阿拉米达医院.

8. Do any other 唯有通过 hospitals need to be seismically upgraded?

是的. Work is already well underway to ensure compliance with 2030 seismic requirements at San Leandro Hospital and the ag亚游官网 ag亚游官网 Highland Hospital Campus.